Intuitive Floral 1 - Whimsy in Red

Learn how to unlock your creativity and open your mind with intuitive painting. You can create your very own "Whimsy in Red" intuitive floral painting with my step-by-step video tutorial. You get a supply list and an hour long video of me showing (and telling) you how to create this painting.

Intuitive painting is the most fun way to paint! It's about mark making, layering paints, experimenting with color and just letting your mind run wild! There are no rules, no sketch you have to stick to AND no boundaries! 

Let the world melt away as you create your masterpiece.

Come create with me! - Teresa Kogut

Intuitive Floral 1 - Whimsy in Red

Create your very own "Whimsy in Red" intuitive floral painting with my step-by-step video tutorial. You get a supply list and an hour long video of me showing (and telling) you how to create this painting.


Upon purchase, you'll have immediate and lifetime access. You'll receive an email with your login information for Gather Dream Create. If you have purchased a tutorial or course from me previously, then you will find "Intuitive Floral 1 - Whimsy in Red" in your library

$24.99 USD